Simple Step-By-Step Guide to Applying Segmented Kits to Your Vehicle

19th April 2023

This is our easy step-by-step guide to applying our segmented Chapter 8 rear chevrons kits. We will guide you through the process of applying segmented kits to your vehicle. A segmented kit means you will receive the yellow and red panels individually.  

Equipment needed: 

Check out our video tutorial or read on for a step-by-step tutorial

Segmented kit image

Step 1

To begin, remove any dirt from the vehicle to ensure a clean surface to apply your kit. Wash vehicle with soapy water, dry with a clean cloth and degrease with rubbing alcohol to ensure your vehicle is pristine. We recommend using PVL-approved surface cleaners.

Step 2

Gather your kit and align it to the vehicle using a magnetic gripper or masking tape to secure the panels. Make sure there is a 5mm gap around each panel.

Step 3

Once you’ve positioned the panels and are satisfied with the gaps, apply the kit with your squeegee.

Step 4

For this type of kit, it is best to start from bottom to top because dust and debris can get into the panels and damage the kit. Working this way stops any dust pieces from coming through and damaging the kit.

Step 5

Divide the vehicle into sections to ensure that the panels align correctly with the vehicle. In each section, you can use the middle panel as an anchor point. This method works as it ensures that each panel will align correctly and that the chevron lands where you place it.

Step 6

Once you have selected a panel, keep the masking tape down, lift the panel and take the backing sheet off. Squeegee into position ensuring the panels is stuck to the vehicle.

Step 7

Follow the contours of the vehicle when squeegeeing each panel. Pushing out all of the air bubbles to ensure that the adhesive is applied to the vehicle.

Step 8

Repeat the previous steps for the rest of the panels until all of them are placed on your vehicle.

Once all the panels have been applied, you can wipe away the numbers from each panel, and then you will have completed the installation of a segmented kit.

Application for other kits

For applying Self-assembly kits

Segmented kit image

For self-assembly kits, you must organise your panels into number order beforehand. Then proceed with the application, following the steps of the segmented kits.

For applying Magnetic kits

magnetic kit

Please note that if your vehicle is not magnetic/made of plastic, then you are running into the chances of having a magnetic kit you cannot apply to your vehicle.

For applying Flooded kits

Flooded kit image

With the Flooded Kit, you will get the individual red panels and the whole yellow backing panel. This requires a different method of installation.

See our video tutorial or follow our step-by-step guide on how to install and apply flooded kits.

Recap and Tips

Always be sure that your vehicle is clean before any application. Be sure that your panels are aligned to the vehicle before you squeegee them into position.

Test your vehicle! – Not all vehicles are magnetic. Use a magnetic gripper or other magnetic items to see if it attaches itself to your vehicle. Or you can knock or tap on your vehicle to see which parts are magnetic or plastic. A hollow sound means it’s plastic, and this is where you can use masking tape to align the kit. This is also helpful for knowing where to use magnetic grippers on your vehicle.

After you’ve completed all of the steps, your vehicle will be all set to go.

If you have any problems after going through this guide, please contact us (via Landline 01444 258980 or Email and we will gladly assist you.

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